1. Suggestion made by Financial
Action Task Force (FATF) on TBML in its report, as quoted above, that Data
Analysis &Research for Trade Transparency System adopted by USA requires to
be adopted and accepted, as it would control over/under invoicing to some
extent. There should be institutional mechanism through a dedicated set up
which examines mismatch between export/import data with corresponding
import/export data of other countries on at least a quarterly, if not a monthly
2. It is established since
years that over invoicing or under invoicing is known method for stashing black
money outside the country. Main question is how to control this malady. If
there is proper vigilance to a large extent by the Customs Department,
mis–invoicing can be controlled because, now–a–days, price of various
goods/machineries is known in the international markets. For this, data is also
published and is available on computer at any point of time. Hence, it was
suggested that in a Bill of Export/shipping Bills, an entry should be included,
namely, what is the international market price of the goods/machineries which
were sought to be exported. The said suggestion is under consideration and is
likely to be implemented within short time.
3. Further, it is of utmost
necessity to curb the creation of fake/bogus bills. One important step which
can be taken to curb this menace is to make declaring of PAN number mandatory
for all sales, where payment is in cash or through bank, above a value of Rs.
One lakh. The purchaser would also be under obligation to ensure that the
invoices he gets have the PAN number of the seller. Further, considering the
fact that at present, purchase or sale of goods/services by cash is rampant,
which undoubtedly utilizes/generates unaccounted money in the society. For this
purpose, a suitable rule is required to be brought under I.T. Rule 114 B made
under Section 139 A (5) of the IT Act. By such amendment, purchaser is required
to disclose his identity either by PAN number or UID (Aadhar card) or any other
centrally recognized documents of identity. Transactions relating to purchase
and sale of goods, provision of services of any nature where the
payment/consideration is Rs. One lakh or above, either by cash or cheque, may
be covered under this rule.
4. It is suggested that for
regulating the possession and transportation of cash, particularly putting a
limitation on cash holdings for private use and including provisions for
confiscation of cash held beyond prescribed limits, provision in the Act should
be made. It is to be stated that a number of European countries bar any cash
transaction above a particular limit. This can be done in India too. Again,
while implementing the suggestions, to ensure that small transactions, which
make a bulk of common man’s daily transactions, are not affected and for that,
a threshold limit could be kept. Further, for holding of cash/currency notes
also, there should be a limit, by prescribing a reasonable threshold, may be
Rs.10 lacs or Rs.15 lacs. This would control holding of unaccounted money to a
large extent. This would also control transfer of unaccounted cash from one
destination to other, which at present is rampant, may be by Angadias or by
other means.
5. The aforesaid suggestion is
also in conformity with the observations in the case of Rajendran Chingaravelu
vs. UoI, in CA No.7914 of 2009;ORDER DATED November 24, 2009 (320 ITR 1)) by
the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Therein, it had been observed that “The nation is
facing terrorist threats. Transportation of large sums of money is associated
with distribution of funds for terrorist activities, illegal pay offs, etc.
There is also rampant circulation of unaccounted black money destroying the
economy of the country.” This is known to all concerned and, therefore,
suggestion made above, be implemented.
6. Financial Action Task Force
(FATF) on Money laundering recommends “tax crimes” to be made a predicate
offence so that action can be taken under Prevention of Money Laundering Act,
2002. There are more than 25 countries in the world which have made “tax
crimes” as a predicate offence. The Government needs to seriously examine the
issue and take steps to make “tax crimes” as a predicate offence. To prevent
any hardship to salaried or small tax payer, a high threshold of say, more than
Rs.50 lakh of tax evasion could be considered as being a predicate offence.
7. Foreign Exchange Management
Act, 1999 (FEMA) provides for confiscation of any property held abroad, if
found to be held in violation of Section 4 of the Act. For various reasons, it
is difficult to proceed against property held abroad. To strengthen the
provisions, S. 13 and S. 37 need to be amended to provide for seizure and
confiscation of property of equivalent value within the country, if it is held
that property held abroad is in violation of Section 4 of FEMA.
8. FIU is uniquely positioned
as the national center for receiving, analyzing and disseminating information
related to suspected cases of money laundering. Its unique architecture
connects it to the entire financial sector on one hand to law enforcement
authorities and on the other through an electronic network that makes it
possible for information to flow freely in a secure environment. Further, FIU
is also connected to the other FIUs of the world through the Egmont Secure Web
which makes it possible to access information in foreign jurisdictions. This
unique architecture can be harnessed to exchange actionable intelligence on
proceeds of crime. Some recommended measures are as follows:-
a. FIU should be given access
to law enforcement information (i.e. information about perpetrators of crime)
that can be shared with the reporting entities to locate proceeds of crime
laundered in the financial system. This will be in line with the FATF standards
which require that “FIU should have access to widest possible range of
financial, administrative and law enforcement information.”
b. The latest amendments to the
PML Rules (2013) have introduced a new report to be furnished to FIU every
month i.e. Cross Border Wire Transfer Report in respect of all transactions of
more than Rs. Five lakh whose origin or destination is in India. As FIU builds
this database over a period of time, the information could be used, in
conjunction with information available with other relevant agencies, to analyze
suspected cases of cross border illicit financial flows, which have been
identified by the OECD and other global bodies as a major area of concern,
especially as they relate to significant transfer of funds from developing
c. FIU’s international network
(Egmont Group) should be fully harnessed to exchange information/intelligence
on proceeds of crime transferred abroad. However, for this to be successful,
utmost importance should be given to following protocol for international
exchange of information so that it is done in a sustainable and credible
d. The law enforcement
authorities, through the FIU, invest in improving reporting entities capacity
to identify and report suspicious transactions. Substantial proceeds of crime
may be laundered in the domestic financial system but the reporting entities
may be constrained by lack of access to information on perpetrators of crime.
Facilitating access to such information, through FIU, and sharing red flag
indicators for suspected proceeds of crime would lead to better quality,
actionable intelligence/information from the reporting entities.
e. Post investigation, feedback
should be shared jointly with FIU and reporting entities in order to develop
better understanding of money laundering trends and typologies, which in turn
will improve capacity to identify and report suspicious transactions. There
should be a more dynamic interaction among between the stakeholders, i.e.,
reporting entities, FIU and the law enforcement authorities, which are part of
the same value chain.
9. Malady of present
enforcement system may be organic problem which leads to increase in corruption
and that corruption money is always unaccounted. On occasions, officers fear to
take appropriate action for various reasons. These can be controlled only by
appropriate directions by the concerned Ministry that in a case where a person
is involved in offence relating to taxation or money laundering, evasion of
duty and levies, then in such cases, higher officers should not intervene in
midst of investigations.
10. It appears that for one or
other reasons, Enforcement Directorate attaches the property of a defaulting
assessee, then income tax department is not in position to recover the income
tax dues, as it is contended that the property is attached by ED. This appears
to be unreasonable. Income tax dues are also amount payable to the Central Government
and this problem can be sorted out easily by mentioning in the attachment order
passed by the E.D. that it would be open for the Income Tax Department to
recover its dues in respect of the attached property. There can not be any
conflict of interest between two Departments of Central Government. For this,
even statutory rule can be made, if required.
11. It appears that, in number
of cases, income tax dues or other duty recoveries are stayed without referring
to the law laid down by the Hon’ble Court;namely Siliguri Municipality Vs.
Amulandu Das, AIR 1984 SC 653, Somariyas Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. Vs. S. Samuel
AIR 1985 SC 61, Asstt. Collector Vs. Dunlop India Ltd., (1985) 19 ELT 22 and
Benara Valves Ltd. Vs. Commissioner Central Excise, (2006) (204 ELT) 513. It is
also noticed that in many cases, even at the show cause notice stage, stay
orders are passed staying further proceedings which delay the entire process.
Hence, it is submitted that the aforesaid ratio of the judgments may be
12. At present, for entering
into financial/business transactions, persons have option to quote their PAN or
UID or Passport number or driving license or any other proof of identity.
However, there is no mechanism/system at present to connect the data available
with each of these independent proofs of ID. It is suggested that these data
bases be interconnected. This would assist in identifying multiple transactions
by one person with different IDs. A central KYC Registry should be established
with all law enforcement agencies, Registrar of Companies and financial
institutions having access to its database.
13. As suggested in first
report, at least 5 Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates Courts in Mumbai are
required to be established for deciding approx. 5000 pending IT prosecution
cases. It appears that without direction by the Hon’ble Court, it would be
difficult to establish 5 Courts as suggested. For the establishment of 5
courts, Central Government shall bear the entire cost."
The press note (pdf) issued by the CBDT can be accessed here
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